Hapi authentication/authorization for Express users

With no doubt Express is currently the most popular web framework for Node.js. It is far from being the only one though! There are dozens of other great Node.js web frameworks and one of them is hapi. Hapi was developed by @WallmartLabs and has several advantages over Express when used in huge projects. Hence, many will find it a better pick for some projects. The problem is, Hapi is fundametally different from Express and devs used to Express will have to learn how to things in the Hapi way. This article aims to demonstrate for Express users how to configure authentication/authorization on a Hapi web application.

How is authentication done with Express?

Most frequently Passport is used for authentication in Express apps. Passport is an authentication middleware that uses express-session for storing user credentials and has dozens of authentication strategies. The great thing about passport is that with little configuration your app can have registration via email, facebook, twitter, google and whatever other method you select.

It is easy to learn how to use passport. There are a lot of examples on GitHub. Passport is used for authentication on both MEAN stacks (mean.js and mean.io), and by Hackathon Starter.

How to authenticate with Hapi?

Unlike Express, Hapi has its own authentication API, that is very similar to Passport. However, the strategies that are used by Hapi authentication are not composable like the auth strategies of Express. It is possible to use them in parallel but I couldn’t find an example of a Hapi application with multi authentication support. Therefore I had to invent my own solution.


My idea was to use the same technic that is used by Passport: keeping credential informations in the session. To add session to Hapi, I created a plugin called humble-session.

Humble-session got its name because unlike the express-session, it is fetched only when needed (express-session is fetched at every request). To fetch the session, you’ll have to use a prerequisite in your route:


Humble-auth is an authentication strategy that is using humble-session.

Once humble-auth is registered, it extends the request object with two new methods: login and logout. Hence, to log a user in, you can just path an object with the user credentials:

What makes this request.login method great is that now you can use humble-auth for email registration. However, you can also use it with bell (which is a third party login plugin for hapi), to authenticate users through Facebook, Twitter or other OAuth providers! To do so, you’ll just have to log the users in with humble-auth in the bell strategies callbacks.

For instance, for the Facebook strategy you can do:


I hope this short article has provided you with some basic understanding about how to authenticate in Hapi like in Express. To see a complete working example of an application using this technic, visit the SiteGate repo. SiteGate is an authentication and account management website implemented using Hapi and humble-auth.

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