How to dynamically create an IFrame

I’ve spent a lot of time on figuring out how to create an iframe dynamically. At first, I thought it is as simple as:var iframe = document.createElement('iframe');document.body.appendChild(iframe);iframe.contentWindow.document.write('<div>fo...

The art of writing minifiable JavaScript

There are situations when we want to have as small JavaScript files as possible. JavaScript compressors like UglifyJS can reduce the size of JavaScript source code multiple times. However, they can compress it a lot more effectively with some help...

Coding A/B tests effectively

Writing A/B tests is very popular nowadays. It is an effective and fast way of finding out whether users will like some changes on the site or not, will the change increase conversion, revenue engagement or other key metrics on the site or not?Fro...

What is the best front-end MVC framework in 2015?

Before writing my first single-page application (SPA) I’ve spent a lot of time researching all the existing, most popular front-end MVC frameworks. After reading a few posts and comparisons, I decided to learn AngularJS. It seems that right now An...

DTM killer?

The company that I am currently working at is using Adobe DTM for managing tags/pixels. I wasn’t involved in the process of adopting it but I am actively using it now (unfortunately).My impressions are negative, so far. We have a Git repository fo...