JavaScript idioms

JavaScript is a powerful and sometimes weird language and it has a lot of interesting idioms (about what is programming idiom).My intention in this article is just to show some of the most popular and widely used javascript idioms.I won’t focus on...

Hapi authentication/authorization for Express users

With no doubt Express is currently the most popular web framework for Node.js. It is far from being the only one though! There are dozens of other great Node.js web frameworks and one of them is hapi. Hapi was developed by @WallmartLabs and has se...

Asynchronous syntax

In a perfect world all the objects on a page would be always created by the time we needthem. However, frequently some scripts are loaded asynchronously or the javascriptcode is not well organized on the page. In that case it is unknown when the o...

Surveys using Google Spreadsheets as a database

Frequently we need to survey our visitors. We don’t bother developing our ownsurveying tool because there are already lots of them. Mostly payed but cheaperthan developing your own.Google Forms?On the other hand, there is Google Forms. Although Go...

Vanilla A/B testing with Abo

In a previous post I wrote about how unhandy it is to develop A/B tests in Optimizely’s web interface. In this post I want to get one step further. If we don’t develop our experiments in Optimizely, why do we need to copy paste the code to Optimiz...